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Akademik Yayınlar

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler


  • Şükrü Özen and Hayriye Özen.
    (2022) Altın Madeni Projelerinin Özellikleri Yerel Toplulukların Direniş Düzeyini Nasıl Etkiler? Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma.
    İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi , Vol. 42, No. 2, 493-524,


  • Hayriye Ozen.
    (2024) Why is 'clean' energy opposed? the resistances to geothermal energy projects in Turkey.
    Environment And Planning E- Nature And Space ,
  • Burak Doğu , Hayriye Özen and Begüm Pasin.
    (2022) Environmental Mobilizations Through Online Networks: An Analysis of Environmental Activism on Turkey’s Twittersphere.
    International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 16, 5247-5269, ISBN: 1932-8036
  • Hayriye Ozen.
    (2022) Interpellating ‘the people’ against environmentalists: The authoritarian populist response to environmental mobilizations in Turkey.
    Political Geography , Vol. 97,
  • Derya Nizam , Fatih Tatari.
    (2022) Rural Revitalization through Territorial Distinctiveness: The Use of Geographical Indications in Turkey.
    Journal Of Rural Studies , No. 93, 144-154,
  • Hayriye Özen , Şükrü Özen.
    (2022) Leadership in local mobilization against goldmining: The cases of Artvin and Eşme, Turkey.
    The Extractive Industries And Society , Vol. 9, No. 1, 1-8, ISBN: 2214-790X
  • Derya Nizam , Zafer Yenal.
    (2020) Seed politics in Turkey: the awakening of a landrace wheat and its prospects.
    Journal Of Peasant Studies , Vol. 47, No. 4, 741-766,
  • Hayriye Özen , Burak Doğu.
    (2020) Mobilizing in a Hybrid Political System: The Artvin Case in Turkey.
    Democratization ,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2020) Reproducing ‘hegemony’ thereafter? The long-term political effects of the Gezi protests in Turkey.
    Southeast European And Black Sea Studies ,
  • Hayriye Özen , Şükrü Özen.
    (2018) What comes after repression? The hegemonic contestation in the gold- mining field in Turkey.
    Geoforum , Vol. 88, 1-9,
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2017) Place, food and agriculture: The use of geographical indications in Turkey.
    New Perspectives On Turkey , Vol. 57, 3-30, ISBN: 0896-6346
  • Hayriye Özen , Şükrü Özen.
    (2017) What makes locals protesters? A discursive analysis of two cases in gold-mining industry in Turkey..
    World Development , Vol. 90, 256-268,
  • Seher Şen , B.Ali Soner.
    (2016) Understanding Urban Alevism through its Socio-spatial Manifestations: Cemevis in İzmir.
    Middle Eastern Studies , Vol. 52, No. 4, 694-710,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2015) An Unfinished Grassroots Populism: The Gezi Park Protests in Turkey and their Aftermath.
    South European Society And Politics , Vol. 20, No. 4, 533-552,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2015) Latent Dynamics of Movement Formation: The Kurdish Case in Turkey (1940s to 1960s).
    Current Sociology , Vol. 63, No. 1, 57-74,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2014) Overcoming Environmental Challenges by Antagonizing Environmental Protesters: The Turkish Government Discourse Against Anti-HEPP Movements.
    Environmental Communication , Vol. 8, No. 4, 433-451,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2013) Book Review Acting Locally: Local Environmental Mobilizations and Campaigns.
    International Sociology 28: 577-580 , Vol. 28, 577-580,
  • Hayriye Özen , Şükrü Özen.
    (2011) Interactions in and between Strategic Action Fields: A Comparative Analysis of Two Environmental Conflicts in the Gold-Mining Field in Turkey..
    Organization & Environment, 24 (4) 343-363. , Vol. 24, No. 4, 343-363,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2011) Book Review Moral Movements and Foreign Policy.
    Mobilization , Vol. 16, No. 3, 390-391,
  • Hayriye Özen , Şükrü Özen.
    (2010) Kamu Siyaları ve Toplumsal Hareketler: Türkiyede Protesto Hareketlerinin Madencilik Piyasasına Etkileri..
    Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 43 (2) 33-64 , Vol. 43, No. 2, 33-64,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2009) Located Locally, Disseminated Nationally: the Bergama Movement.
    Environmental Politics , Vol. 18, No. 3, 408-423,
  • Şükrü Özen , Hayriye Özen.
    (2009) Peasants against MNCs and the State: The Role of Bergama Struggle in the Institutional Change of the Gold Mining Field in Turkey..
    Organization, 16 (4) 547-573. , Vol. 16, No. 4, 547-573,
  • Neslihan Demirtas , Seher Sen.
    (2007) Varoş identity: The redefinition of low income settlements in Turkey.
    Middle Eastern Studies , Vol. 43, No. 1, 87-106, ISBN: 10.1080/002632006010

Diğer indexler tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler


  • Derya Nizam.
    (2021) Kooperatifler, Belediyeler ve Gıda Ağları: Tire Süt Kooperatifi Örneği.
    Journal Of Business, Innovation And Governance , Vol. 4, No. 1, 113-131,
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2021) Pandemi Sürecinde Tarım Sorununu Yeniden Düşünmek.
    Praksis , No. 55, 151-174,
  • Helin Kardelen Kavuş.
    (2019) Diasporada Güzellik: Almanya’da Kadın Etnik Girişimciliği .
    Kültür Ve İletişim , Vol. 22, No. 44,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2018) Yerellik- Popülerlik Ekseninde Türkiyede Çevre Mücadeleleri..
    Alternatif Politika , Vol. 10, No. 2, 181-209,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2015) Meydan Hareketleri ve Eski ve Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler..
    Mülkiye Dergisi , Vol. 39, No. 2, 11-40,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2013) Toplumsal Hareketlerin Siyasal Rolü: Rasyonalist Yaklaşımların Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirmesi..
    SBF Dergisi , Vol. 68, No. 3, 37-61,
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2011) Cografi Isaretler ve Kuresel Piyasalarda Yerellesen Tarim Urunleri [Geographical Indications and Localized Agricultural Products in Global Markets].
    Praksis , Vol. 25, 87-116,


  • Helin Kardelen Kavuş , Yener Erköse and Değer Eryar.
    (2023) Driving Green Job Opportunities in Sustainable Waste Management through Co-Production Strategies: Informal Recycling Workers, Municipalities, and the National Agenda—A Case Study of İzmir.
    Social Sciences , Vol. 12, No. 7,
  • Emin Baki Adaş , Borabay Erbay.
    (2022) Yapay Zekâ Sosyolojisi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.
    Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , Vol. 21, No. 1, 326-337, ISBN: 2149-5459
  • Emin Baki Adaş , Borabay Erbay.
    (2021) Toplumsallığın Kurucu Aktörü Olarak Teknoloji: Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme.
    Sosyolojik Bağlam , Vol. 2, No. 3, 99-114, ISBN: 2757-5942
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2020) New Rural Development Versus the Familiar Rural Motherhood: The Commercialization of Local Foods and Its Effect on Gender Roles.
    Turkish Journal Of Sociology , Vol. 40, 79-108,
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2017) Place-Based Labels in Agricultural Value Chains.
    Comparative Sociology , Vol. 16, No. 3, 422-445, ISBN: 1569-1322
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2014) Informal Politics in Turkey during the Özal era (1983-1989).
    Alternatives: Turkish Journal Of International Relations 12(4): 77-91. , Vol. 12, No. 4, 77-91,
  • Seher Şen.
    (2012) Kentlilik Üzerine Düşünmek.
    Toplum Ve Bilim (Sociological Abstracts) , No. 124, 103-125,
  • Hayriye Özen , Şükrü Özen.
    (2010) Public Policies and Social Movements: The Influences of Protest Movements on Mining Policy in Turkey.
    Review Of Public Administration , Vol. 43, No. 2, 33-64,

Hakemli dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler


  • Hayriye Özen , Özgür Avcı.
    (2014) Her Yer Taksim, Her Yer Direniş: Kentsel Bir Hareketin Ulusal Yayılımı.
    Atılım Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , Vol. 3, No. 1, 31-45,
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2006) Devrimin Dikişleri: Laclau ve Mouffe'un Alternatifleri” [The Sutured Revolution: Laclau and Mouffe].
    Birikim , Vol. 205-206, 156-163,
  • Borabay Erbay , Emin Baki Adaş.
    (2022) Algorithms as ‘Iron Cage’: A Study on Algorithmic Bias and Technological Rationality among Software Engineers in Turkey.
    17th Annual International Conference Of Institutional Partners “The Role Of Technology In The Shaping Of Society” / 17th Annual International Conference Of Institutional Partners “The Role Of Technology In The Shaping Of Society” Proceedings Book
    ISBN: 978-9928-352-16-3
  • Emin Baki Adaş , Borabay Erbay.
    (2021) Sociological Dimensions of Algorithms.
    1st International Congress On Artificial Intelligence And Data Science Proceedings Book
    239-243, ISBN: 978-605-70737-3-0
  • Derya Nizam , Dilan Erdem.
    (2021) Kadın, Gıda ve Kırsal Geçimler.
    Antroposen Çağda Sağlık, Ekoloji Ve Gıda Sempozyumu
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2020) New Communication Tools for Social Innovation: The Role of Sociological Imagination in Searching for Alternatives to Development.
    The 2nd Communication In The Digital Age Sympossium
  • Borabay Erbay.
    (2020) Sonsuz Bir Savaşa Bir Son Denemesi: (T)Özsüz Bir Sanat Mümkün Mü?.
    Modernizm Ve Postmodernizm Çalışmaları Konferansı 2020
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2019) Yöresel Gıdalar, Coğrafi İşaretler ve Kırsal Kalkınma.
    Sosyoloji Derneği IX Sosyoloji Kongresi
  • Borabay Erbay.
    (2019) Endüstri 4.0: Sanatın mı Laneti Sanatçının mı? Sanattaki Muhtemel Kopuş Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler.
    IX. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2019) Milk from Farm to Schools: Innovative Collaboration between Farmers’ Cooperative and Municipal Governments.
    13th Annual International Conference On Sociology
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2018) Designing Geographical Indications- Local Taste, Local Borders and Local Community.
    International Sociological Association / XIX ISA World Congress Of Sociology
  • Seher Şen.
    (2017) Construction of Immigrant Identity: Alevi Cultural Centers.
    The Migration Conference
  • Seher Şen.
    (2017) (Re)Formation of a Collective Identity: Multiple Actors and Multiple Processes.
    SOCIOCRI 17 IV. International Sociology And Critical Perspectives Conference
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2017) Exploring cultural heritage devalued in national projects: the case of Bogatepe village.
    The XXVII European Society For Rural Sociology Congress, Krakow, July 24-27, 2017 / Uneven Processes Of Rural Change
    250-251, ISBN: 978-83-947775-0-0
  • Borabay Erbay.
    (2016) Göç ve Müzik: Blues ve Arabesk Üzerinde Göçün Etkileri.
    I. Uluslararası Göç Ve Kültür Sempozyumu Sempozyum Bildirileri Cilt-1
    355-362, ISBN: 978-605-4598-22-9
  • Seher Şen.
    (2015) Contesting Identity: Alevis in the Netherlands.
    International Journal Of Arts & Sciences International Conference For Social Sciences And Humanities
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2015) The production of evidence for territorial distinctiveness and the effect of reinforcing a binary between nature and culture: The case of Turkey.
    European Society For Rural Sociology (ESRS) XXVI Congress / Places Of Possibility? Rural Socities In A Neoliberal World
    120-121, ISBN: 978-0-902701-14-4 eB
  • Seher Şen , Ali Soner.
    (2014) Reconstruction of Alevi Community in an Urban Area: The Case of İzmir.
    8th Annual International Conference On Sociology
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2013) Geographical indicators and the disarticulation approach: understanding the factors delinking people and places from agro-industrial commodity chains.
    European Society For Rural Sociology (ESRS) XXV Congress. Florence, Italy. / Rural Resilience And Vulnerability: The Rural As Locus Of Solidarity And Conflict In Times Of Crisis
    343-344, ISBN: 978 8 8908 9600 2
  • Hayriye Özen , Özgür Avcı.
    (2013) Her Yer Taksim Her Yer Direniş: Kentsel Bir Hareketin Ulusal Yayılımı.
    Kamusal Ve Bölgesel Araştırma Ağı Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı
  • Derya Nizam.
    (2013) Agriculture, Resources and Development.
    American Sociological Association (ASA), New York, USA. / Power And Justice In The Contemporary World-System, The Political Economy Of The World-System (PEWS)
  • Hayriye Özen , Savaş Zafer Şahin and Evin Deniz.
    (2012) Kentsel Dönüşüm, Barınma Hakkı ve Direniş Mücadeleleri: Ankara ve Madrid Örneklerinin Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analizi.
    Sosyal Haklar Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı
  • Hayriye Özen , Savaş Zafer Şahin and Evin Deniz.
    (2012) Urban Transformation and Dynamics of Citizen Mobilization: A Comparison of Ankara and Madrid Cases.
    Proceedings Of 2nd International Congress On Urban And Environmental Issues And Politics
  • Seher Şen.
    (2012) Imagining the Nation through Urban Rural Opposition.
    Interculturalism, Meaning And Identity
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2010) Between Neo-Liberal Commitments and Environmental Concerns: Uneasy Position of the Turkish State against Local Environmental Protests.
    1st International Congress On Urban And Environmental Issues And Policies
  • Seher Şen.
    (2010) Formal and Informal Practices in the City Life of 1930s Ankara.
    Cityscapes In History: Creating The Urban Experience
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2006) The formation of Identities and Meanings: Mobilization against the Gold Mines in Turkey.
    The Quality Of Existence In A Globalizing World XVI ISA World Congress Of Sociology Proceedings
  • Hayriye Özen.
    (2006) Kurdish Movement and Turkey-EU Relations.
    The Quality Of Existence In A Globalizing World XVI ISA World Congress Of Sociology Proceedings
  • Seher Şen , Tahire Erman.
    (2004) Urbanity and Urban Public Culture in the Turkish Context.
    9th Annual International Cultural Studies Symposium
  • Şükrü Özen , Hayriye Özen.
    (2000) A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Conflicts between Protest Campaigns and Multinational Companies in the Gold Mining Field in Turkey.
    1st International Congress On Urban And Environmental Issues And Policies
  • Derya Nizam Raşit Çavaş.
    (2021) Türkiye’nin Tescilli Lezzetleri: Coğrafi İşaretler.
    Oğlak Yayınları , ISBN: 978-625-413-003-8
  • Derya Nizam . . .
    (2021) Yeni Nesil Kooperatifler: Topluluk, Aidiyet ve Yer-Temellilik.
    Oğlak Yayınları , ISBN: 978-625-413-004-5
  • Derya Nizam , Fatih Tatari.
    (2018) Türkiyede ve Dünyada Yerel Geleneksel Peynirler: Kars Kaşarı Coğrafi İşareti.
    Opus Yayınları , ISBN: 978-605-9245-22-7
  • Huricihan Islamoglu , Elvan Guloksuz , Alp Yucel Kaya , Ayse Cavdar , Ulas Karakoc , Derya Nizam and Goksun Yazici Huricihan İslamoglu.
    (2008) TUBITAK Proje Raporu: Turkiye’de Tarımda Donusum ve Kuresel Piyasalarla Butunlesme Surecleri: [The Project Report of Transformation and Integration with Global Markets in Turkish Agriculture]. (Project No.106K137).
  • Halis Akder , Derya Nizam.
    Tarım ve Gıda Sektöründeki Değer ve Tedarik Zincirinin Ekonomi Politiği .
    Fikret Adaman , Sena Akkoç .
    Gıdanın Politik Ekolojisi.
    (2023), Metis,
  • Hayriye ÖZEN.
    Fashioning anti-environmentalism in Turkey: the campaign against the Bergama movement.
    David Tindall , Mark C.J. Stoddart , Riley E. Dunlap.
    Handbook of Anti-Environmentalism.
    (2022), Edward Elgar, ISBN: 978 1 83910 021 5
  • Diretgen Ozan Ercansungur , Borabay Erbay.
    Thinking Digitalization with Risk Society: Sub-Politics in Digital Space.
    Bahar Kayıhan.
    Understanding Risks and Crises through the Media.
    (2022), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 1-5275-8738-X
  • Çağlar Keyder , Derya Nizam , Zafer Yenal.
    Covid-19, tarım ve gıda: Dünyada ve Türkiye'de neler yaşandı, neler yaşanacak?.
    Müsemma Sabancıoğlu , Defne Üçer Şaylan.
    Meraklısına Bilim 2020.
    (2021), Doğan Kitap,
  • Derya Nizam.
    “How to Use Geographical Indication for the Democratization of Agricultural Production: A Comparative Analysis of GI Rent-seeking Strategies in Turkey” in The Role and Significance of Geographical Indication As a Tool for the Development and Democratization of Agri-Food.
    Alessandro Bonanno , Hart Feuer , Kae Sekine.
    Geographical Indication and Global Agri-food: Development and Democratization.
    (2020), Routledge,
  • Derya Nizam.
    Yemek, Tarım ve Kır Tartışmaları, Coğrafi İşaretler ve Alternatif Gıda Ağları.
    Erhan Akarçay.
    Yemek Sosyolojisi.
    (2020), Anadolu Üniversitesi, ISBN: 978-975-06-4080-3
  • Hayriye Özen.
    An Unfinished Grassroots Populism: The Gezi Park Protests in Turkey and their Aftermath,.
    Susannah Verney , Anna Bosco , Senem Aydın Düzgit.
    The AKP since Gezi: Moving to Regime Change in Turkey.
    (2019), Routledge,
  • Derya Nizam.
    Edede İncirin Tadı: Geleneksel Üretimin Ekolojik ve Kültürel Sınırlarını Yeniden Düşünmek.
    Alp Yücel Kaya.
    İncirin Akdenizdeki Yolculuğu.
    (2019), İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Akdeniz Akademisi,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    68 Protesto Dalgasının Dinamikleri.
    Ayhan Bilgin.
    68'e Bugünden Bakmak.
    (2019), Ütopya,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    Islamic Conservative Populism in Turkey: the Case of the AKP.
    Jan Zienkowski , Ruth Breeze.
    Imagining the Peoples of Europe: Political Discourses across the Political Spectrum.
    (2019), John Benjamins,
  • Derya Nizam.
    Yerellik, Geleneksellik ve Coğrafi İşaret: Mücadeleler ve Müzakereler.
    Derya Nizam , Fatih Tatari.
    Türkiyede ve Dünyada Yerel Geleneksel Peynirler: Kars Kaşarı Coğrafi İşareti.
    (2018), Opus Yayınları, ISBN: ISBN: 978-605-9245-2
  • Hayriye Özen.
    HES Direnişlerine Karşı Siyasi İktidar: İtibarsızlaştırma, Mücrimleştirme, Düşmanlaştırma.
    Deniz Yıldırım , Evren Haspolat.
    Değişen Karadeniz.
    (2016), Phoenix,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    Medeniyet Arayışından Demokrasi Çağrısına: 1910lardan 2010lara Kürt Hareketinin İdeolojisi.
    Emre Toros.
    Türkiyenin Son On Yılı.
  • Hayriye Özen.
    Turkey’s Kurdish Conflict: the EU Candidacy and the Prospects for Reconciliation.
    Bülent Temel.
    European Union Project and Lessons from Greece and Turkey.
    (2013), Lexington,
  • Hayriye Özen.
    Turgut Özal.
    Emre Toros.
    Türkiyede Siyasi Liderlik: Dönemler, Özellikler ve Karşılaştırmalar.
  • Hayriye Özen.
    Protesto Hareketlerinin Mekansal Dinamikleri: Artvin ve Uşak Protesto Hareketlerinin Karşılaştırmlı Bir Analizi Onaran İncirlioğlu ve Barış Kılıçbay.
    Emine Onaran İncirlioğlu , Barış Kılıçbay.
    Mekan ve Kültür.


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